The Great Plastic Purge
by Team naturSource

Canadians everywhere are taking steps to reduce waste and be more sustainable. A big part of these sustainability efforts is eliminating plastics, a move that retailers and manufacturers alike support. Plastic-free produce sections are on the rise, and customers are calling for less waste across all food aisles. We hear our consumers loud and clear, but we are still using #7 plastic in our packaging for a few reasons.
Our main priority is reducing food waste, which has a huge impact on the environment, by making sure our product is stable and has a long shelf life. Because compostable and biodegradable packaging can reduce shelf life, we avoid these materials while working with our industry partners to develop recyclable packaging that also maintains shelf life. But don’t be hasty and throw empty naturSource bags into the garbage! The packaging can be recycled at certain facilities, and can sometimes even be recycled curbside, depending on where you live.
For more information about #7 plastics, we encourage you to visit the Charte des matières recyclables, the PPT Charte and the Waste reduction page of for more info.
If you are a little more DIY, our packaging is reusable and very versatile. In lieu of zip-top disposable bags, our packaging can be used to store meats and other perishables in the freezer. Our zippered top and bag size also lends itself well to your travel plans - just rinse them out and store your shampoos, conditioners, and other cosmetics in your checked luggage (no waste and no spills!).
We know you want us to be using recyclable packaging, at the very least, and we hear you. While still a work in progress, we are allies in the fight for a more sustainable future.